The box was open and *paw top of it, which causes it to fall onto it's side* something white fell out. A pillow?
*paw, paw*
Ohhh there's more of them inside.
*ears pull back*
* Frankenstein arch*
It doesn't move. No reaction of any kind.
*paws box and pulls out another one*
hmmm box. Chew toy for this mighty Lion. *grabs box, bite, kick*
*slaps small pillow into my potty box*
*bites and places a pillow in food dish*
*kicks pillows and lands in water dish causing, it to swell up*
Maybe if I were to cover it up, she'll never notice it? *scratch scratch* God this potty box is getting too small for my large furry butt. *scratch scratch* There! That should do it! Better hide the rest of those pillows. Too late for the box since it's got my teeth mark all over it. She'll never know now.
*grabs Mr. Green*
Play time. I'll just play with him at her feet. Maybe she'll not notice anything is amiss in potty room. :)
oh my gosh that is HILARIOUS!