Since my potty box, food and water dishes are in the Mistress's bathroom, I figured that it was OK to play with anything that was in there. Nope. She's got plastic stuff wrapped around the tube thing next to her potty chair...but there
IS this box that sits on the floor next to it. And you know us cats; we're a curious bunch.
The box was open and *paw top of it, which causes it to fall onto it's side* something white fell out. A pillow?
*paw, paw*
Ohhh there's more of them inside.
*ears pull back*
* Frankenstein arch*
It doesn't move. No reaction of any kind.
*paws box and pulls out another one*
hmmm box. Chew toy for this mighty Lion. *grabs box, bite, kick*
*slaps small pillow into my potty box*
*bites and places a pillow in food dish*
*kicks pillows and lands in water dish causing, it to swell up*
Meowww! WTH? I broke it! Oh no! Mistress will be peeved this time. *grabs hold of wet pillow and put it in potty box*

Maybe if I were to cover it up, she'll never notice it? *scratch scratch* God this potty box is getting too small for my large furry butt. *scratch scratch* There! That should do it! Better hide the rest of those pillows. Too late for the box since it's got my teeth mark all over it. She'll never know now.
*grabs Mr. Green*
Play time. I'll just play with him at her feet. Maybe she'll not notice anything is amiss in potty room. :)
oh my gosh that is HILARIOUS!